Live in Faith.
Learn for Life.

Our school motto expresses the philosophy that guides us here at St. Timothy School. Our environment of academic challenge and individual attention helps each student to identify and develop their unique gifts and talents. Our Catholic philosophy encourages the students to use those gifts and talents in service of others. We provide ample opportunities for community service so our students can develop a lifelong love of service, of community, and of loving and helping one another.



  • list of dates, events, and contact info
  • list of dates, events, and contact info
Volunteering not only builds stronger communities, but it also strengthens the faith of those who act as Christ to others in need.
— Marge Fenelon

Make change, change lives

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who participates
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beta club

who is participating
who is being served
what is the goal
who participates
when did this start
when will it end
how can i help

4th grade battles batten disease

who is participating
who is being served
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who participates
when did this start
when will it end
how can i help

Here's what our students are saying about service at St. Timothy...

Our family delivered meals on Thanksgiving Day to families in our community. They were so excited and so grateful. It made me feel grateful, too.
— Dominic P, 5th grade
Our class learned about Batten Disease from our teacher, Mrs. Price. Her daughter has a friend with two kids that have this disease. We raised money for research for a cure. If they find a cure, I think it would be really awesome to know we were a part of it!
— Susie Q, 4th grade
It was really neat to meet the family that has kids that have Batten Disease after we worked hard to raise money to help find a cure. I hope they are ok.
— Alex M, 4th grade
My friends and I raked leaves for my neighbors to earn money to help buy the Pack N Play for families who stay at the Ronald McDonald House. It was fun to work together and it was really exciting when they gave it to the lady that works there.
— Jessie B, 6th grade
I signed up to help at the pizza and sub sale because we have to do some service in the parish for our religion. I didn’t realize I would have so much fun getting to know the older dudes in the parish or that I would feel so proud of how much work we got done. I am happy I helped the Men’s Club. They do a lot for our school and parish.
— Sam K, 8th grade
My dad is a eucharistic minister, and I go with him about once a month when he visits the nursing home. I really like to visit with the people that live there. It feels like I have a whole bunch of grandmas and grandpas! They really like to tell me stories about when they were younger.
— Tommy K, 5th grade
I’ve been a volunteer at COSI for 3 years. I love science and it’s really fun to greet the visitors and help them find their way around.
— Angelo O., 8th grade
People here at St. Timothy are always willing to lend a helping hand. Whether it’s a school event or a family in need, the parents and staff really lead the way and set a great example for the kids. I love being a part of such a loving, hands-on community!
— Liz K., parent